On this page, you will find all of the necessary information and resources for your audition.
All students looking to audition for JazzU are required to submit a pre-screening video audition. Video auditions must be submitted in Spring of 2025. Applicants must be an incoming 8th–12th grade student for the ’25/26 Academic Year.
Students who pass the pre-screen will be contacted in the first week of May to schedule an in-person audition, which will take place in June. Auditions are held in the Centene Jazz Education Center, located on the 3rd floor of Steward Center, home of Jazz St. Louis, 3536 Washington Ave., St. Louis, MO 63103.
Important Dates & Deadlines
Applications for the ’25/26 JazzU program will be April 28th, 2025.
Step 1. Pre-Screen Audition (2025-26)
For submission link and more info click here. DUE APRIL 28th.
YouTube is the preferred platform for submissions. Please ensure that your video is uploaded to YouTube and that the link you submit is either public or unlisted, as we cannot view videos marked as “Private”. Once you’ve uploaded your audition as an unlisted YouTube video, submit the link using the pre-screen audition form.
Your video should be titled “[Your Name] JazzU Audition 2025-26.” If you are unable to use YouTube for your submission, please contact Travis Lewis directly at [email protected]. Submissions not adhering to these instructions will not be considered. For any additional questions or concerns regarding the pre-screen process, reach out to Travis Lewis at [email protected].
Step 2. In-Person Audition (2025)
Applicants can expect to receive notifications during the first week of May regarding the results of their pre-screening videos, along with additional details about the in-person auditions scheduled in early June.
The in-person audition will mirror the pre-screening audition with the optional addition of a transcription (more information below).
Audition Dates
TBD – During the first two weeks in June
*If you cannot make the day specified for your instrument, we will find a time for you. All instruments are welcome and if your instrument does not fit into any of the categories above, you will still be assigned an audition time.
Audition Results
Here you can view our 2024-25 JazzU Groups.
Audition Procedures
Wind and Strings (non-rhythm section)
Applicants must perform one blues, one jazz standard (from the list below), and one Latin tune (also listed below), preferably with live accompaniment or a backing track. When using a backing track, please ensure playback through a high-fidelity speaker instead of phone or laptop speakers. You can choose your tunes from the repertoire list provided at the bottom of the page. They may also be asked to play scales (major and chromatic) chosen at random by the audition judges.
Students auditioning on voice have the same requirements as wind and string players. They will be expected to sing the melodies using scat syllables. Students will also be asked to improvise over their chosen songs. They may also be asked to sing scales (major and chromatic) chosen at random by the audition judges.
Rhythm section instruments (piano, bass, guitar, etc.) must play the melody, provide one chorus of accompaniment (aka comping), and two chorus of improvisation of the same tunes (listed below) as the wind and string instruments. They may also be asked to play scales (major and chromatic) chosen at random by the audition judges.
Bass players should be able to play the melody, improvise, and “walk” bass lines over the same materials as the wind, string, and rhythm section instruments. They may also be asked to play scales (major and chromatic) chosen at random by the audition judges.
Drummers will be asked to accompany the house band over one of the 3 blues tunes listed in the audition materials in the following format: play behind the melody on brushes, switch to sticks to accompany another soloist, then trade fours.
Drummers will also be asked to demonstrate the following styles:
Bossa Nova
Playing a Swing Feel in Odd Meters (in 3 or 5)
They may also be asked to demonstrate basic rudiments chosen at random by the audition judges.
This section is not required but is strongly recommended.
For everyone besides drummers, prepare two choruses of one of the following solos:
Miles Davis’s solo on “Freddie Freeloader,” from Kind of Blue
J.J. Johnson’s solo on “Blue Trombone,” from The Trombone Master
For Drummers, transcribe the first 40 seconds of the following solo:
Max Roach’s “For Big Sid,” from Drums Unlimited
By “transcription,” we mean that students should repeatedly listen to the specific version of one of the solos mentioned above and learn to play the solo by ear. Students should not use an already written-out solo, nor should they write out the solo themselves. The goal is for them to learn the solo by ear and emulate either Miles or J.J. to the best of their ability. This will help us accurately assess both the student’s abilities and skill level.
Application Materials and Resources
Please direct any questions to Travis Lewis, Education Manager, at [email protected].
Audition Materials
Pick one standard, one blues, and one Latin tune (three tunes total).
Autumn Leaves
Take the A Train
Satin Doll
C-Jam Blues
Now’s The Time
Sonnymoon For Two
Blue Bossa
St. Thomas